Jane Marvine
English Horn
Jane Marvine has played oboe and English horn in the BSO since 1979
Who inspires you?
I am inspired by anyone who cares about others.
If you had to do something other than be a Baltimore Symphony Musician, what would you do for a living?
I would love to be a composer, teacher, lawyer or a project manager.
Where is your favorite get-away spot?
My favorite place is any place I can spend time with my family.
What would people be surprised to find out that you like to do?
I like to tap dance.
What piece of music do you feel was written for you?
The music of Prokoviev touches me very deeply and inspires me.
What influenced you to be a professional musician?
Love of music was the prime motivation for me to be a musician. I thank my parents who were amateur jazz musicians for exposing me to all kinds of great music and supporting my pursuit of excellence as a musician.
What do you like to do with your ”me time”?
When I have free time I love to garden, cook and be with family.
How do you give back to our community?
I enjoy teaching, and spend a lot of my energy supporting music and the arts in the schools.