Agnes Tse, violin
***Seasons with BSO: 4
***Hometown: Hong Kong
***Age Started: I started violin when I was 4, but my mum made me watch Karajan conduct on TV since I was in a baby stroller! I also played the flute from 8-13, and attempted the piano a few times throughout my childhood with not much luck. I am happy I am dedicated to my violin now!
***BSO Audition Memory: One day in my last year of school at Juilliard, I shared the same elevator as Marin Alsop who was conducting a cycle with the Juilliard Orchestra. She saw me holding an orchestral excerpt book, and asked if I was taking the BSO audition. I told her I didn’t know the BSO had an opening, I would love to give it a try! Two months later I came to Baltimore for the first time, and won a job on the luckiest day in my life. I felt as if I won a lottery! I would not have been here if Marin had not told me about the BSO audition that day, and I am forever grateful to her for that.
***Fondest Musical Memory: II only get to go home once a year, and my fondest musical memory is playing music at home with my mum and my sister. My sister is a pianist, and my mum is an amateur violinist. She started quite late and had to quit after she got married and gave birth to me. Seeing her pick up her violin again after so many years brings me more joy than any other musical memories on professional stages. We usually read some canons and record ourselves, so we can listen back when we don’t get to spend time together during the year.
***Favorite Non-Musical Activity: I love running/walking at the Inner Harbor. On any beautiful sunny day I just can’t resist the temptation to go outside! I don’t have any pets, so seeing dogs walking by the water makes me happy.