Jonathan Carney
Jonathan Carney has held the BSO Concertmaster position since 2002.
What will the Baltimore Symphony leave behind in its next 100 years?
I imagine the next century will deliver a legacy of excellence and relevance.
Who inspires you?
Sitting 5 feet from some of the worlds greatest conductors and soloists is a dream come true and a constant source of inspiration and perspiration!
If you had to do something other than be a Baltimore Symphony Musician, what would you do for a living?
A dream of mine as a boy was to be a baseball player. More realistically now I would enjoy the art of working as a professional driver.
Where is your favorite get-away spot?
My life partner Julie and I love to travel. Paris, New York and Atlantic City are three of our favorites, not least of all because I love to play cards and Julie is half French.
Where would people be surprised to find you?
You might find me at a Texas Hold-em table for two straight days!
What piece of music do you feel was written for you?
I can't swear an oath of allegiance to any one piece of music but as my desert island choice and as a violinist, it would have to be the Solo Sonatas and Partitas of JS Bach.
Who influenced you to be a professional musician?
My parents were the perfect stage parents and raised us all to be heathy integrated citizens and well functioning musicians.
What do you like to do with your ”me time”?
Our favorite activity is to escape with our little fold up Brampton bicycles to a place with flat, sunny, carless roads.
How do you give back to our community?
spend as much time as I can with the amazing students of the Baltimore School for the Arts.