Michael Lisicky
Michael Lisicky, oboe, joined the BSO in 2004.
What will the Baltimore Symphony leave behind in its next 100 years?
I have no idea. I have a feeling that when the BSO debuted in February 1916, nobody thought about what the BSO would be like in 100 years? The group was just fixated on getting better. Too many people and institutions are fixated on "leaving a legacy." Some plan their legacies before they start. That is just plain disingenuous. If you have a passion to do something and you do it well, your legacy will follow. Stop worrying about how things look on paper.
Who or what inspires you?
People who actually get things done in a timely fashion. And only need to be asked once.
Where is your favorite get-away spot or favorite get-away companion and why?
If I tell people where my favorite get-away spot is, then people might try to contact me. I can't risk that, but I do have one.
What was your most memorable summer job?
I was a doorman at the residence of a prominent Philadelphia/South Jersey mafia crime family. Other "non crime family" residents also lived there. Nothing much happened. There were some blatant infidelities and a strict order not to give out ANY information. I do remember a headline in the Atlantic City Press that leaked a planned hit on the city's mayor. It freaked out the other residents. I did feel a little vulnerable at times, not too much, but they tipped real well. I am surprised, in retrospect, that my parents didn't seem to have an issue with it. One of the main guys ended up becoming an informant. So much for omertà.
What piece of music do you feel like was written for you?
I know what pieces that were not written for me.
What do you like to do with your ”me time”?
I don't have "me time." I really don't. "Me time" always involves some sort of multi-tasking. That's my specialty. Sitting down to watch TV or listen to music has become such a foreign concept. Do people really allow for me times?
How do you give back to our community?
I seem to pick up everybody's trash. I hate trash and that's the Slovak in me. (Come to Fell's Point on a Monday afternoon. There I am with my huge Rubbermaid cans on wheels with my brooms, pans, and claws. Rain or shine for over 4 years.) I hate it when people either say that I shouldn't have to do it or that they do the same thing on their block. First, if I don't do it, it all makes its way into the harbor. That's just great. And I'm sorry, nobody cleans up the streets like I do. Trust me. That's example #1.