Qing Li
Principal Second Violin
Qing Li, Principal Second Violin has been a BSO member since 1994.
What will the Baltimore Symphony leave behind in its next 100 years?
I am hopeful that we will uphold our renowned reputation, as one of the best orchestras in US.
Who or what inspires you?
Great musicians, and inspirational conductors are my guilty pleasures.
If you had to do something other than be a Baltimore Symphony Musician, what would you do for a living?
I would undoubtedly still be a musician somewhere else, either performing or teaching music.
Where is your favorite get-away spot?
I love to explore Europe and with loved ones.
What piece of music do you feel like was written for you?
I think humanity has a lot in common. Though a lot of music was written for specific personal experiences, the icing on the cake is that we all get to color our music-making with our own personal nuance.
What or who influenced you to be a professional musician?
My father is a musician, and I'm glad now that I had no choice but to become a musician.
How do you give back to our community?
Playing solo tours in rural places, and teaching kids music in places where they are deprived of knowing wonderful classical music.